How to Upload Files with Existing Translations into PTC

Learn how to upload your existing translation files into PTC and use them in your software translation projects.

You can upload existing translations to PTC if you want to:

Save time by reusing translations you’ve already created.

Transition smoothly from another software tool or manual translation process.

Maximize the value of translation work you’ve already invested in.

How to Import Existing Translations into PTC

When you set up your project in PTC, the setup wizard automatically detects translation files in your connected repository. These files should follow standard locale naming conventions, such as en_US for English (United States) or fr_FR for French (France). PTC also lets you manually upload translation files from your device or a connected repository.

When uploading files manually, you have two options:

  • Upload multiple translation files for a language, and PTC will automatically match each file to the correct resource file
  • Assign each translation file to its corresponding resource file yourself
Letting PTC assign the translation files to the right resource files or doing it yourself manually

During translation, PTC processes the translation files and pairs the available translations with the original strings. For any untranslated strings, PTC generates Better Than Human Translations using its AI-powered technology. 

Deleting Imported Translations from Your Project

Once PTC finishes translating your project, you’ll receive a merge request with the completed translations. If you need to delete some or all of the imported translations:

  1.  From your project’s dashboard in PTC, go to the Translations tab. 
  2. Toggle Select translations to delete to filter the table and display only imported translations.
Enabling the option to select translations to delete

At this point, you can choose how you want to delete the imported translations:

  • Select a specific translation to remove it from the project
  • Select a source string to remove all its translations in every language
  • Select a secondary language to remove all imported translations for that language

After you delete imported translations, PTC will automatically retranslate the removed strings using its AI-powered automatic translation.

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