Why Is PTC Better Than Human For Software Localization?

PTC needs a fraction of the time, effort, and budget that humans need to deliver high-quality software translations.

Delivery time
Continuous updates



PTC grasps the context, key terminology, and language intricacies in your niche, and automatically applies that knowledge to software translations.


PTC delivers consistent and error-free translations, always remembering guidelines, like string placeholders and glossary terms.

Delivery time

PTC takes only minutes to produce translations so you can quickly see your work in multiple languages.

Continuous updates

PTC monitors your integrated projects and automatically updates translations when text changes.

Human Translators


Human translators with experience and knowledge in your software’s particular niche are hard to find and often expensive.


Even the best translators can miss issues in translations, especially when dealing with high volume or complexity.

Delivery time

Humans usually need at least a few hours, sometimes days, to deliver their best translations.

Continuous updates

When making changes to original texts, you need to re-engage human translators, and repeat the same workflows as before.

AI Translation Done Right

PTC gives you the best possible translation by selecting the right machine translation method and applying advanced checks.

Proprietary AI-powered language model with support from powerful AI engines

Glossaries that increase precision and capture key terminology

Ability to detect names, string placeholders, and text length limitations you set

Easy-to-check suggestions that improve translation quality to 100%

Integration with GitLab, GitHub, and BitBucket

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started

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