Built for Developers

PTC is a product created by developers and for developers. We’ve been creating multilingual software for over a decade and we know what we like and what we absolutely hate.

Do any of these bother you?

Slow response time while waiting for translations

Fear of making last minute changes (the horrid strings freeze)

Agonizing back and forth between developers and translators

Surprisingly high charges

Would you rather see this?

Send updates to translation from your code repository or editor and receive translations (immediately) as merge requests

Let your reviewers work on the product

Pay a simple flat fee and use as much as you want

Great Translation, Instantly & Efficiently

AI Translation + Human Review

PTC relies on a combination of high-end AI translation and convenient human review. When you update your code, PTC automatically updates your translations and delivers them into your code base.

Easy & Fast

PTC’s review process makes life easy for your developers and reviewers. Instead of going through a list of meaningless strings, your reviewers will go through the translated product. When they notice something wrong, they quickly change just that text.

Integrated with Your WordPress Website

When you’re running a WordPress site, you enjoy full integration between PTC and WPML (the WordPress Multilingual plugin). PTC and WPML share the same tone and terminology.

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